PEOPLE OF GOD, MY Twitter timeline, @caseyamaefule, has been on fire since last night.
Americans and Europeans came for me cos I made a rather tongue-in-cheek tweet about the circumcision of a male baby.
I unknowingly irked a lot of them and they didn’t waste time in registering their displeasure. To them, male circumcision is an abomination, a despicable God-forsaken barbaric tradition that should have been abolished many years ago.
Some were not so gracious and stooped so low as to call me names for having played a role in the circumcision of an innocent male child, without its consent. Others asked for me to be prosecuted.
I told them that male circumcision has both religious and culturally undertones here in Nigeria, but they must have thought I was high on some cheap Kwale weed.
But I don pass to dey trade insults with people on social media. I no dey craze! So I ignored the snide remarks. They are still venting their spleen on me right now.
I have no problems with the fact that someone disagrees with me, my only concern is that somehow, these folks tend to think that they should ALWAYS determine what happens in another person’s country. Maybe historically they are used to it, but then again it shouldn’t always be so.
They think it is child mutilation to carry out male circumcision when the child has not consented (the parental consent, to them, is not deemed big enough), even for religious or cultural reasons.
For my readers living abroad, have you encountered such? Please share your experiences.
In this part of the world, do you think it is wrong to circumcise a mam child?
Let’s hear your views.
+++Impossibility is nothing. Just believe+++
~ © Caséy Amaefule ’20