THE LEVEL OF ROBBERY attacks in this axis of Benin City, Edo State seems to have skyrocketed in the past few weeks. And somehow, it is not unrelated to the Coronavirus pandemic that has caused a slowing of commercial activities in so many parts of the city.
What marvels me the most is that, unlike other neighbouring states, the likes of Delta State, Benin City, Edo State is not on lockdown. Businesses are still booming in many places, though not at the level they used to be, predictably.
I’ve barely been in the Trauma Unit for 24 hours and we had had almost 10 gunshot and at least 6 knife-or-bottle stab injuries involving various parts of the body, and the victims this time are both males and females.
What annoys me the most is that most of these victims said they never argued, struggled or fought with the robbers. Yet the idiots chose to shoot and maim innocent people, just for the love of pulling the trigger!
One person was robbed in his house at midnight and shot straight into the left eye with what was obviously a local shot gun, rupturing the entire eye. A CT scan showed multiple bullet pellets scattered everywhere in the brain.
Another young lady was shot at the thigh from close range while at an ATM, the bullet piercing and destroying the femoral artery, a big blood vessel that carries blood to the leg. In this setting, she may not walk with that leg again.
Others ranged from gunshot injuries to the back of the head; abdominal stab injuries with blunt knives, with intestines herniating through.
And these attacks are at an increased rate nationwide, from Lagos to Kaduna, and not just Edo State.
Yes, I know that Edo State can have a high crime rate at times, but there is no doubt that this lockdown and its attendant economic challenges has contributed to the upsurge.
People, let’s be extremely careful this period. The society just got increasingly dangerous.
Stay home and stay safe!
+++Impossibility is nothing. Just believe+++
© Caséy Amaefule ’20